Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let's look at the real's not as bad as it could be.

Lately I've fell under the "poor me" attitude. "It's the worst it's ever been"..."we never get to do anything"..."we are going under"...

Have you ever had those feelings while under debt and the dreaded budget? I think it's like a detox. I know when I go on a detox from coke I get headaches, my mood is aweful, and I don't think I can get through it. But after three days...I'm fine. My body doesn't want it as bad and really I don't think about it.

That is how a budget is. It's detoxing from the gratification on spending and getting the privilege of doing whatever I want. It's really training myself to do without. So what happens? My attitude goes bad, my thoughts run rapid about how bad our situation is and how all my dreams will "NEVER" come true. My attitude towards my husband starts to turn. You's all his fault that we are where we are...when in reality it's probably more mine since I'm the one with the spending problem, but right now it seems easier to make it his fault. Another thing that happens is that everything seems to be going on 75-90% off! Which if I wasn't on a budget and trying to save money would be great, but $1.00 is $1.00 closer to being out of debt, but when you are staring at that 75% off item (which only is going to be $2.37) it doesn't seem so bad until you get three or four of them!

So, is it that bad that I have to live without to pay things off? I looked around at the breakfast table this morning and's not that bad. We have a roof over our head, we were warm last night (actually I got the extra heater to keep us extra warm), we have food, we have clothes, we have comfortable furniture to lounge around to watch our big screen T.V., we have friends, we have family, we do have money coming, and heck...we have jobs.

I thought about it being so cold last night and how it would feel if we were homeless. Geez. What a hard life that I don't know if I could handle. I stuck my hand in the washer today while getting the clothes in for another load and it was really cold! What a wimp I am. I thought about a homeless person right then and thought my hands will be cold for a moment, but they live it in all the time. They may live or die because of the weather. And they have kids? I am sure they do. How would it feel if I didn't have a place for my kids to be warm? Hearbreaking, I'm sure.

So...really? Is it that bad? When you look at it in a different light...nope, we are blessed beyond measure. I will be okay, I will remember to think that it really is worse for other people and I should be thankful that I'm spared that lifestyle.


  1. i understand where you are coming from. I dont want to live in fear but I would rather live like no one else now pay of debt then save for that just in case one of us loses out jobs that we would be okay for a few months until we found a job. also I would love to be in the place where if God told me to give my savings to someone or to help someone get a place I could. I agree with you it is a mind change. I am ready to change I am tired of living check to check. I guess why I am is David did not get paid all in December Casue his work did not have the money and we were okay we had food we stocked up on nothing got paid til after Christmas but we made it...

  2. For me it's eating out that gets me. I'm usually able to control my spending, sometimes of course I go over board. I'm really having to train myself not to eat out so much. I'm having to change my mind set, and if we go out I only allow myself to have a salad. Which really deters me from wanting to go out! I don't want to eat a salad when everyone else is eating something super good! And I can make a salad at home. I'm not saying I'm cutting eating out completely, but I'm really trying hard to cook more at home.
