Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So, it's been a while!

Has anyone taken advantage of the freebies? I can say that since I've been educated on using coupons, store coupons, and sales, I've been getting serious about getting things for almost free! I will be posting a few posts in the next couple of days on the savings that I'm getting! I can get things for absolutely FREE if you look for the right deals! :)

As for now...
I have decided that I will write every single cent down on paper. It's time to really give myself a serious accountability notebook to see where the useless spending goes. I know that I doing SERIOUSLY better at my spending than I did last month or even last year, but I still have to see where it it going. I also am printing out two months of spending logs from my bank to see where it all went. I've got to be upfront about this issue on just giving my money away without really acknowledging the seriousness of where it is going. Would I rather just keep spending to spend or would I rather look at my girls savings account and be extremely excited that they are going to get something from me other than debt and the answer "NO, we don't have the money right now to do that..." The reality is...the money is there if I let it be there. :)

So..I challenge you to get a little notebook and start writing EVERYTHING down! and put what you were feeling when you bought it. For example..."we needed it" or "I just wanted to", just be honest. See where you can stop spending, see where it is going...

1 comment:

  1. keeping such great records of every cent you spend is a fantastic idea...we started that in our household too (except I input all mine into Quicken) and it has really curbed our spending these last few months. makes you take a long hard look at yourself, it's not always a pretty site, but well worth it once you make some changes and begin to see yourself getting out of debt! I love the blog...keep them coming...very encouraging!! :)
