Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A picture says it all...

I was looking for another picture when I came across this one. Isn't that a perfect picture of what debt is?!

God tells us not to be yoked or in slave to anything but Him, but yet this is what we are. We are a slave to something else. We live our lives according to the number of what we owe. We give out of what we owe (which is nothing or next to nothing because we are limited). We help according to what we owe. We can't do anything. We are strapped. We are slaves.

No more will my financial life look like this picture!

1 comment:

  1. prefect picture... You are so right we do love our lives accoring to what we owe...
    What would our lives be like if we did not have any DEBT....
    I mean how much could we impact the Kingdom of God...
