Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why pay full price?

With Christmas come and now gone you can really get a idea of how much EVERYTHING is jacked up on their prices. I mean on day it's this amount because of the "Christmas season" and if we don't give into the here and now you'll see that the day after Christmas that very important and great gift has lost its value 50%! ONE DAY and it's now 50% off!
I had a girl come into the store today and wanted Fresh Linen Wallflowers. The sale right now on Wallflowers is 2 for $20.00. I told her that I've seen in on sale for a better price ($5.00 a piece) and that if she could hold out then she could get the better deal. (I know...some sales lady right?!) But it's the truth. You will always be a victim to a here and now sale. unless you understand that you don't have to pay full price....EVER. And guess what? Tomorrow...the Wallflowers are $5.00 a piece! Because she waited she could get 4 Wallflowers instead of 2! And if she is smart she'll go get a coupon from Bath and Body's website.

Adopt this mindset now. NEVER PAY FULL PRICE.

On this blog (to the right) there are many coupon sites that you can go to and print out coupons before you go shopping. My goal is to get my list and then find as many coupons that help me along the way. I mean a penny saved is a penny saved!


  1. before you go shopping we should be armed with information about sales and regular price. Too many people just see the "SALE" sign and buy buy buy... I have never been a coupon person or look at the ads for the best price but I tell you this next year I sure am...

  2. Yep. You have to be on your game with sales. The advertisement people are not stupid. They put a lot of time and effort studying how we react and when we react, what gets our attention, and (this is crazy, but true) MUSIC! They have made a music CD that triggers a buying impulse thing in our head! NOTE: Pier One uses this CD!! So, we always need to be on our guard.
